Well-being Policy.
Aim of the policy.
1 in 4 people will suffer from mental health issues at some point during their lives.
JHASW/CHIDC aims to create a workplace culture that supports the health and well-being of all volunteers, staff and trustees.
a. To create a supportive workplace culture, tackle factors that may have a negative impact on mental health, and ensure managers have the right skills to support volunteers, staff and trustees.
Deliver a thorough induction for all new starters, providing an outline of the organisation, the policies and the role they are expected to play, including the minimum commitment we expect.
Ensure that their volunteering experience contributes to a positive, healthy life/work balance.
Ensure all volunteers, staff and trustees have clear role descriptions, objectives and responsibilities, as well as the training to perform them well.
Offer volunteers and staff flexible working hours.
Set realistic targets and deadlines for volunteers, staff and trustees to prevent long working hours.
Check how working conditions and the organisation’s policies are influencing mental health.
Ensure good communication between managers and volunteers, staff and trustees, using language that is inclusive, sensitive and appropriate.
Deal with any conflict quickly and make sure the workplace is free from bullying, harassment, racism or discrimination. Acknowledge any issues raised, investigate and respond within five working days.
Deliver non-judgemental support to any volunteer, staff member or trustee experiencing a mental health issue.
Retain and support volunteers, staff and trustees who develop mental ill health.
Add Well-being as a standing item to the Board’s meetings’ agenda.
b. To provide support and guidance for any volunteer, staff member or trustee experiencing mental health issues.
Ensure volunteers, staff and trustees with mental health issues are treated fairly and without judgement.
Encourage volunteers, staff and trustees to talk to an NHS counsellor or GP to receive professional advice and help.
If a volunteer, staff member or trustee has been on long term sickness absence, ensure a gradual return to work with support at each stage.
Treat all matters relating to volunteer, staff and trustee mental ill health in the strictest confidence, and only share information with prior consent from the individual concerned.
Where and when possible (depending on the volunteers participating) provide peer support via a buddy system.
Identify appropriate online resources for volunteers, staff and trustees (e.g., https://gov.wales/safe-help/mental-health).
c. To encourage the recruitment of people who have experienced mental ill health.
Ensure that everyone involved in the recruitment process is aware of mental health issues and the Disability Discrimination Act.
Show a positive attitude to prospective volunteers with mental health issues.
d) To recognise that workplace stress is a health and safety issue.
Identify workplace stress factors/scenarios and carry out risk assessments of the premises and processes.
Provide training in good workplace practices.
All volunteers will also be made aware of their own responsibilities in implementing the policy actions. Including, raising any issues or concerns, and seeking help from a project manager.
Reviewing and monitoring.
The volunteer managers will be responsible for reviewing the workplace health and well-being policy, as well as monitoring its effectiveness.
The policy’s effectiveness can be measured through:
Feedback from volunteers.
A mental health and well-being at work risk assessment.
Volunteer sickness and turnover levels.
Exit interviews.
Use of NHS occupational health or counselling services.
Volunteer complaints or referrals.
To ensure it stays relevant, the policy will be reviewed six months after the policy start date, then every year after that.
30 March 2024