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European Network of Testimony-based Digital Education: Development of Key Competences and Civic Engagement (ENTDE)




The ENTDE project was inspired by the educational challenges created by Covid-19 and the need for sustainable, localised digital materials. The project focuses on promoting empathy, civil action, and social inclusion to combat the current trends of racism and violence.


The project has been funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme and is being delivered in partnership with three European organisations: Zachor Alapítvány, based in Hungary, OpenEye, in the Czech Republic, and human-ed, in the Netherlands.


Aims of the project.


1. To create bilingual, English and Welsh, digital educational materials using video testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive.


2. To publish the content on the USC Shoah Foundation’s IWitness platform. The materials will remain available to teachers and learners free of charge after the project ends.


3. To create a teacher training programme on how to effectively use these educational resources.


4. To develop a network of educators and institutions across the EU to share resources and skills and activities both within the individual partner countries and between them.


Target audience.


Primary (progression step 3 in Curriculum for Wales) and secondary (progression steps 4 and 5 in Curriculum for Wales) school students and teachers.


The content will be locally relevant to educators and learners; each partner will create ten digital activities in their local language(s) (Hungarian, Welsh, English, Czech, and Dutch); an additional eight digital teaching materials will be developed in English only.


The topics addressed will include: gender; identity and ‘the other’; discrimination and oppression; xenophobia and racism (antisemitism, islamophobia, etc.); allyship and solidarity; bystanders and resistance


For more information: Erasmus+ project card | Erasmus+ (


European Network of Testimony-based Digital Education: Development of Key Competences and Civic Engagement (ENTDE)


Ysbrydolwyd prosiect ENTDE gan yr heriau addysgol a grëwyd gan Covid-19 a'r angen am ddeunyddiau digidol cynaliadwy wedi’u lleoleiddio. Mae'r prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo empathi, gweithredu sifil a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol i frwydro yn erbyn tueddiadau cyfredol o hiliaeth a thrais.


Ariannwyd y prosiect gan raglen Erasmus+ yr UE ac mae'n cael ei ddarparu mewn partneriaeth â thri sefydliad Ewropeaidd: Zachor Alapítvány, sydd wedi'i leoli yn Hwngari; OpenEye, yn y Weriniaeth Tsiec; ac human-ed, yn yr Iseldiroedd.


Nodau'r prosiect.


1. Creu deunyddiau addysgol digidol dwyieithog yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg gan ddefnyddio tystiolaethau fideo o USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive.


2. Cyhoeddi'r cynnwys ar blatfform USC Shoah Foundation’s IWitness. Bydd y deunyddiau'n parhau i fod ar gael i athrawon a dysgwyr yn rhad ac am ddim ar ôl i'r prosiect ddod i ben.


3. Creu rhaglen hyfforddi i athrawon ynghylch sut i ddefnyddio'r adnoddau addysgol hyn yn effeithiol.


4. Datblygu rhwydwaith o addysgwyr a sefydliadau ledled yr UE i rannu adnoddau a sgiliau a gweithgareddau o fewn y gwledydd partner ei hunain a rhwng ei gilydd hefyd.


Y gynulleidfa darged.


Myfyrwyr ac athrawon ysgolion cynradd (cam cynnydd 3 yng Nghwricwlwm Cymru) ac uwchradd (camau cynnydd 4 a 5 yng Nghwricwlwm Cymru).


Bydd y cynnwys yn berthnasol yn lleol i addysgwyr a dysgwyr; bydd pob partner yn creu deg gweithgaredd digidol yn eu hiaith/ieithoedd lleol (Hwngareg, Cymraeg, Saesneg, Tsieceg ac Iseldireg); bydd wyth deunydd addysgu digidol ychwanegol yn cael eu datblygu yn Saesneg yn unig.


Bydd y pynciau a drafodir yn cynnwys: rhyw; hunaniaeth a'r 'arall'; gwahaniaethu a gormes; senoffobia a hiliaeth (gwrth-semitiaeth, islamoffobia, ayyb.); cynghreiriad a chydsafiad; rhai sy’n sefyll gerllaw a gwrthwynebiad.


Am fwy o wybodaeth: cerdyn prosiect Erasmus+ | Erasmus+ (

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