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Sustainable Volunteering Policy.





This policy sets out the broad principles for voluntary involvement in Jewish History Association of South Wales / Cymdeithas Hanes Iddewig De Cymru (JHASW/CHIDC - “the organisation”). It is of relevance to all within the organisation, including volunteers, staff, members, and those elected or appointed to positions of responsibility.


This policy is endorsed by the JHASW/CHIDC Executive Committee and will be reviewed once a year, to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of JHASW/CHIDC and its volunteers.





JHASW/CHIDC acknowledges that volunteers contribute in many ways, that their contribution is unique, and that volunteering can benefit users of services, staff, local communities, and the volunteers themselves. JHASW/CHIDC values the contribution made by volunteers and is committed to involving volunteers in appropriate positions and in ways which are encouraging, supportive, and which develop volunteering.


JHASW/CHIDC recognises its responsibility to arrange its volunteering efficiently and sensitively so that the valuable gift of the volunteer's time is best used to the mutual advantage of all concerned.





Volunteering is an important expression of citizenship as well as an important component of democracy. Volunteers are not paid and contribute, of their own free will, their time, energy, and skills to benefit the community.



Statement of values & principles.


Volunteering is supported and encouraged by JHASW/CHIDC and is not intended to be a substitute for paid employment. The role of volunteers complements but does not replace the role of paid staff.


Appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that paid staff are clear about the role of volunteers and to foster good working relationships between paid staff and volunteers.


The volunteer role is a gift relationship, binding only in honour, trust, and mutual understanding. No enforceable obligation, contractual or otherwise, can be imposed on volunteers to give a minimum amount of time to carry out the tasks involved in their voluntary activity, but a mutually agreed commitment (usually 5 hours a week for 3 months) will be formulated at the start of the volunteering process. Likewise, the organisation cannot be compelled to provide either regular tasks, payment or other benefits for any activity undertaken by the volunteer.


Although volunteers offer time freely and willingly without binding obligation, there is a presumption of mutual support and reliability. Reciprocal expectations are acknowledged – both of what the organisation expects of volunteers and what volunteers expect of the organisation.



Volunteer co-ordination. 


All volunteers will have a nominated member of staff or volunteer to offer guidance and advice to help the volunteer carry out tasks effectively. Volunteers will be informed of whom to contact to receive support and supervision.


The nominated post holder with overall responsibility for the development of voluntary activities within the organisation is the JHASW/CHIDC Project Manager. This person is responsible for the management and welfare of the organisation's volunteers.



Recruitment & selection.


JHASW/CHIDC is committed to equal opportunities and believes that volunteering should be open to all regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, mental or physical impairment, or offending background that does not create a risk to vulnerable groups including children. The acceptance of volunteer assistance for a particular role is made on merit, the sole selection criterion being the individual's suitability to carry out agreed tasks. Information about the volunteer not relevant to the performance of the volunteering tasks concerned will be disregarded by the organisation in terms of recruitment and selection.


Volunteering opportunities will be widely promoted in ways that make them accessible to all members of the community.


Volunteers who are considered unsuitable for a particular task will either be offered alternative voluntary involvement with the organisation wherever possible.


All volunteers will be invited to attend an informal interview. If the volunteer will be carrying out activities with vulnerable groups (children and/or adults) there may be other safer recruitment procedures carried out including asking a volunteer to undergo an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) check. More detailed information will be made available specific to legislative requirements and the particular volunteer position.


Volunteers will have a clear and concise task description, which will be reviewed every three months.


New volunteers will be properly inducted into the organisation.


Volunteers will be properly briefed about the activities to be undertaken and given all the necessary information to enable them to perform with confidence.



Training & development.


All volunteers will be made aware of and have online access to all the organisation's relevant policies, including those relating to volunteering, health & safety, safeguarding vulnerable groups, whistleblowing, and well-being.


The development of training and support for volunteers is a high priority for the organisation to equip them with the necessary information and skills to carry out their tasks. It will be the responsibility of the designated person referred to above to see that this training is provided. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to attend relevant training.


Training in the supervision of volunteers will be provided for all those who have direct responsibility for volunteers.



Support, supervision, & recognition. 


Volunteers will have a named person to whom they can take their volunteering concerns and seek guidance and support.


Volunteers will have access to regular support and supervision. This will enable both the volunteer and the supervisor to identify, monitor, and evaluate the volunteer's involvement, recognise achievements, and identify individual training needs, including those relevant to their particular volunteering role and their wider personal development. The frequency, duration, and format of these sessions will be negotiated between the volunteer and the designated officer referred to above.


Volunteers will be given the opportunity, where relevant, to share their views and opinions with the organisation's wider staff, at staff meetings, etc.


A process will be developed to give formal recognition of the contribution of the organisation's volunteers (e.g., internal awards, articles in newspapers and newsletters, thank you letters, certificates for hours contributed and training completed, authorship acknowledgements on published material etc.).





JHASW/CHIDC recognises that the reimbursement of expenses incurred in travelling to and from the place of volunteering or in the course of volunteering is important from an equal opportunities point of view. This is necessary to ensure that all individuals have access to voluntary opportunities.


The organisation's volunteers may claim reasonable out of pocket expenses, subject to the production of receipts as evidence of the expenditure. What may be reclaimed from the organisation and the calculation of expenses will be explained to the volunteer before they start any activity likely to give rise to expenses.


The organisation has a consistent approach to the reimbursement of expenses, which are the same for volunteers, staff, etc. and in accordance with HMRC guidelines.


It is the responsibility of the designated person referred to above to make volunteers aware of the procedure for the reimbursement of expenses.




The organisation's liability insurance policies include the activities of volunteers and liability towards them.


The organisation does not insure the volunteers’ personal possessions against loss or damage.





The organisation will advise the volunteers on its confidentiality policy and procedures, where relevant. This would include the personal information about the volunteers held by the organisation.



Settling differences.


The organisation aims to treat all volunteers fairly, objectively, and consistently. The organisation seeks to ensure that volunteers' views are heard, noted, and acted upon promptly and aims for a positive and amicable solution based on the organisation's guidelines for settling differences.


The designated officer referred to above is responsible for handling problems regarding volunteer complaints or conduct and these should be referred to him/her. In the event of a problem, all relevant facts should be obtained as quickly as possible. Support will be provided by the organisation to the volunteer while it endeavours to resolve the problem informally. If an informal resolution proves impossible, the organisation's wider grievance or complaints policies and procedures (which include volunteers) will be referred to. If a volunteer’s behaviour is repeatedly or seriously unacceptable, they may be asked to change their role or to leave the organisation.



Rights & responsibilities.


The organisation recognises the rights of volunteers to:


  • Know what is (and what is not) expected of them.

  • Have adequate support in their volunteering.

  • Receive appreciation.

  • Volunteer in a safe environment.

  • Be insured.

  • Know their rights and responsibilities if something goes wrong.

  • Receive relevant out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Receive appropriate training.

  • Be free from discrimination.

  • Be offered the opportunity for personal development.



The organisation expects volunteers to:


  • Be reliable.

  • Be honest.

  • Respect confidentiality.

  • Attend the training sessions and events.

  • Carry out tasks in a way that reflects the aims and values of the organisation.

  • Carry out tasks within agreed guidelines.

  • Respect the work of the organisation and not bring it into disrepute.

  • Comply with the organisation's policies.



This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis. The next review will be due in December 2024.


Related policies and documents:


  • Confidentiality Agreement.

  • Safeguarding Policy.

  • Whistleblowing Policy.

  • Well-being Policy.

  • Data Privacy Notice.

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